I'm Ebba!

 Hi! My name is Ebba Andersson and I'm 17 years old. I'm so excited to get to know you all! I live in Helsingborg with my parents and my brother. 

In my spare time I like to play soccer, I have been playing soccer for almost 8 years, and I love it. I also like to spend time with my friends and I love to bake. I also love to travel and one of my biggest dreams is moving to either Paris or New York City when I get older. 

At school I am studying a social science program with a focus on behavioral science and I think that's very interesting. I have no idea what I want to work with when I get older but I really like fashion and clothes.

 This is a picture of me and my friends this summer and we cooked a really good pasta! ( I’m the one in the white shirt)

This was one of my recent trips when I went to Spain. It was so beautiful! 



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